Companies can partner with NCCWJ through corporate sponsorship to support our advocacy, programming, and research. Corporate sponsorship also allows companies to sponsor specific NCCWJ events.
Cause-related marketing is mutually beneficial. Cause-related marketing demonstrates company social responsibility while simultaneously bringing increased awareness to NCCWJ and our mission.
Workplace giving is an efficient way of making charitable contributions to NCCWJ. Employers can deduct the donations from employees' paychecks and match the cash contributions of its employees.
Many companies choose to donate employees' time, advice, and service in lieu of monetary donations. Granting employees paid time off for pro bono service to NCCWJ helps increase the scope of our work.
NCCWJ seeks diverse sources of funding. NCCWJ utilizes project, capacity building, operating, research, and in-kind grants to accomplish its mission. NCCWJ also accepts funding from independent, corporate, and public foundations.
Companies can promote NCCWJ programming, advocacy, and research content on social media platforms via direct community marketing and through co-branded content.
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