Community justice is a collaborative process involving victims, perpetrators, and communities. Community justice involves restorative justice, re-entry programs, decarceration, and other services aimed at preventing criminal activity, promoting public safety, encouraging community participation, reducing recidivism, and healing for all parties following criminal behavior.
Sustainable food systems are important to all communities. Food security is a human right. Hunger, malnutrition, and disease directly correlate with food insecurity and disproportionately impact women. Women's mental health, physical well-being, and pregnancy outcomes are negatively impacted by food insecurity.
Reproductive justice ensures that all women have access to reproductive healthcare services. NCCWJ provides information about family planning options, sexual education, and cost-effective contraceptives. Reproductive justice can play an important role in the reduction of incidents of violence against women and children.
Environmental justice is the unbiased treatment and active participation of all people in the environmental legislation, regulation, policies, and procedures that impact their communities. Environmental justice is advocating for clean water access, safe food production, informed climate change legislation, and natural disaster assistance for women and their communities.
Economic justice addresses the financial penalties, fees, and fines that negatively impact women. Economic justice for women confronts predatory lending practitioners, revenue generating legal fines, and the commercial bail system in North Carolina.
Immigration justice protects the human rights of immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers and their families. Immigration justice also reduces incidents of violence against women and children including incidents of human trafficking.
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